I’m currently sitting snuggled with 3 puggies on my lap in front of the fire trying to ignore Hurricane Dennis outside as the rain lashes the windows. It’s hard to believe it can be this wet, but then again England never fails to surprise us!
I am fed up. Every time I go out for a walk with the puggies I end up completely soaking wet and covered in mud! This means constantly washing dirty towels and mopping the floor… small problems, but ones that I can’t wait to see the back of once spring arrives!

Speaking of sunshine and happier things – have you heard that Galathée Retreats is now open for bookings? The Retreats promise a week of draw-dropping accommodation and creative lessons taught by three very talented women who will inspire and delight you.

I had the idea for Galathée Retreats when I was living and working on the island at the beginning of last year and it seemed a no brainer. The house I’ve found is set right on the harbour of St Martin with views to die for and a short hop from Galathée.

This retreat is aimed at couples, singles, friends and groups – anyone and everyone who is open to meeting new people and experiencing new things. You don’t need to be proficient at yoga or painting – just up for having some creative fun and perhaps that cheeky glass of rosé.

We have already been featured in The Telegraph online travel section which got me very excited I can tell you! This morning Valerie (our friend and Galathée’s concierge) messaged me to say the weather was fantastic on the island… I can’t wait to visit again very soon.

We plan to go over with a gorgeous new sofa for Galathée around the beginning of April, which I am looking forward to as the garden will be in full spring bloom. My favourite time is March – June and then at the end of the summer, hanging out on the sandy beaches and visiting our favourite places to eat.
If you are interested in the retreat please message me for any further information. Take the plunge, book an adventure and have something exciting to look forward to as summer draws to a close. 🥂