I’ve been home almost a month now, and back to a very rainy Sussex. I miss my walks along the sandy beaches, watching the kite surfers fly like birds above the white horses…fortunately, the lushness of the Sussex countryside almost makes up for it!

Galathée is enjoying our guests for the summer months, and I’m told my garden is looking gorgeous. Last Friday was the longest day of the year, and at La Cible in Saint Martin they celebrated with a live music festival on the beach. I dreamt of hiring a plane from Shoreham and arriving just in time for a glass of bubbles, surprising my friends and dancing on the beach to a sunset backdrop! In reality, we booked to see Toy Story 4 and lunch at the delicious Crab Shack in Worthing.
Life back at home is enormously busy. We have a large garden which is growing madly – as are the weeds! – so I dodge the downpours to try to keep it under control. The puggies are back into the swing of their UK routine and chasing their feline friends around the house.

Now we are in the throws of the Conservative Leadership battle (is it me or is it really boring?) Why does it have to take another 3 weeks to elect the new PM? Surely, the country is owed a quick turnaround and decisions made?

I miss my wonderful vet Dr.Poite who still texts me once a week to see how Percy is getting on (Percy is now on CBD oil and doing so much better). Below is a video of him playing with an egg from our hens which he then ate!
There are still some available weeks at Galathée so do not hesitate to book …