The artisans have started work and I am slightly apprehensive because in reality, I have recognised I am bit of a control freak and I am not in control, not in France, not a fluent French speaker… Oh my God how will I cope! We have booked our return flights to check progress on Friday 13th December, lucky for some (I hope)!
The main work has been on demolition and ripping out the old, existing kitchen with the plumber and electrician also on site. The buildings in the courtyard are called “dependents” – I rather like that word it is quite romantic. We have decided to keep the beautiful tiled roof and open up the area completely so that in the hot summer days we have a gorgeous sheltered area to eat and then in the evenings recline, drink red wine and listen to music lit by candlelight!
I have started a Pinterest board which you can view here and that is my inspiration and guiding force when explaining exactly what I want! So imagine my courtyard looking like this next year and my kitchen I hope? Still working on the plans for the kitchen at present, which is proving to be quite difficult as there is not much actual wall space to utilise, a window which opens inwards and three doors…A challenge!
I have made friends with Claudie who is a Parisian living in Steyning. Was this is a co-incidence or just another one of these amazing moments of fortune that is linked with this house? Claudie wants me to have conversation classes with her and I think that’s a brilliant idea!
The dream…
Renovations Begin